Electronic Commerce is here to stay

He eCommerce It is an economic activity that will continue to grow year after year.

  • It is backed by a generational change where people avoid visiting physical stores.

A company that has a physical business will disappear if it does not adapt to technological change and if it does not incorporate Internet sales.

  • There are many examples in the world where companies with decades of existence have had to close because they did not adapt to change.
  • But having a digital business is not just creating an online store.
  • It requires strategic planning, a disciplined team with knowledge of the factors of online sales.

In Never8 we create Electronic Commerce solutions for businesses of all sizes.

We service Mexico, USA and Latin America.

Contact us and we can gladly help you in your digital business.

The importance of training staff in the correct administration of your Adobe Commerce online store

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, is one of the leading e-commerce systems in the world. As businesses adapt to the digital age and online commerce, it is crucial that their staff are well trained in the tools they use every day. One of these essential tools is the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel. Let's see why it is vital to offer adequate training in this area.